January 24, 2022
Hailey Bohrer
November 25, 2022
What is your favorite hobby/pastime/thing to do?
When my husband comes home from a long shift at his station those mornings, I love to take my husband and son on a long walk around our neighborhood.
What industries do you serve at CFOR?
I serve many restaurants and bars. I enjoy the smaller clients that enable me to provide the most feedback.
What would you want a new client to know about you when they join CFOR?
I’m aware of how dedicated the client is to their company and want them to know that I appreciate and want to reciprocate that dedication.
What would you want a new staff member to know about our company and our team when they join CFOR?
At CFO Restart, we are a group of talented, committed, wonderful individuals who work together incredibly well. When one person is in need, I know that support will be provided by other team members in a time of need.